
Brown Flowers (In progress)

Acrylic on stretched canvas.


Crayon Tree

Crayon Tree: Medium - crayon on high-quality paper.


OK, so I was prompted to display the final version of my most recent painting, titled "Lonely Christmas Tree." Thanks for the reminder!


OK, so I am back to posting my paintings...

I have been slacking on painting, but now I have finally had time to start up again. And so NOW I am going to post a painting that I don't really like - it is more of a practice one. But I thought - well, let's post it - maybe even get some comments. My idea is to do a christmas tree painting that I like - and then make it into Christmas cards for my friends - and readers of this blog... So stay tuned - hopefully there will be more samples, you can comment, vote - tell me what you think!

Thanks - the Painting Mom!
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The Farm

This is one of my son's favorite paintings.


Our First Show

On Saturday we had our first art show at the Reston Farmer's Market. Unfortunately - the morning was cold and VERY rainy. In fact - it was so rainy that we seriously considered not showing that day! But luckily the rain lessened as they morning progressed.
Because of the rain - we did a modified set up. We didn't want to risk getting our stuff wet - and it was really hard getting things all the way back to our designated spot.
We had a lot of people come and look at our art. A lot of really positive comments and people who were interested - but not many actual bites... We haven't given up yet - we'll try again in two weeks! I'm also going to look into seeing how to set up selling prints directly online.
Suggestions from experienced art vendors appricated!!!


Purple Flowers with Orange Background

I am getting ready for the first art show and found a painting I had not yet posted. Enjoy!


A Collaboration

My friend and I are going to begin to sell our art together a Farmer's Market in Reston, VA. In preperation, we put together a collaboration of our two styles of painting.


Flowers in a Vase

OK - so I have never had any formal training - but I thought I would try my hand at this sort of a thing. Really - I am open to feedback! In some ways this painting is very different from the others I have done.



Some of my paintings are more abstract. At times - I just like to experiment with circles - playing around with different colors and textures.

Simple Flower Series

These paintings are all a part of my 'Simple Flower' series. In life - I love flowers. I love that on the East Coast, in the medians of the freeways, there are hundreds of wild flowers, or sometimes even tulips. I love getting flowers, or buying a bunch of flowers from a farmer's market on a Saturday morning. As I started experimenting with painting, flowers were a natural choice.

Summer On Lake Anne

This is one of the first paintings I ever did. The inspiration behind this one was a photo I took with my cell phone from an inflatable raft in the middle of Lake Anne in Reston, VA.