
Our First Show

On Saturday we had our first art show at the Reston Farmer's Market. Unfortunately - the morning was cold and VERY rainy. In fact - it was so rainy that we seriously considered not showing that day! But luckily the rain lessened as they morning progressed.
Because of the rain - we did a modified set up. We didn't want to risk getting our stuff wet - and it was really hard getting things all the way back to our designated spot.
We had a lot of people come and look at our art. A lot of really positive comments and people who were interested - but not many actual bites... We haven't given up yet - we'll try again in two weeks! I'm also going to look into seeing how to set up selling prints directly online.
Suggestions from experienced art vendors appricated!!!

1 comment:

Nunya said...

I don't read your blogs as often as I should (I know, I'm a bad brother), but I want you to know I LOVE all of your pictures. My birthday has already come and gone and NO PICTURES! For the love, send me one of your rejects, I don't care, just send me something!